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Updated: Jul 10

At Emerge!, we are proud of the unwavering determination of our unit teams. The resolution of the Beaumont KFC unit to reopen only two days after the Hurricane is proof that they are an Emerge! team and our greatest asset!

On August 26th, Hurricane Laura deviated from its original course and hit the Lake Charles and Orange area. The news of Laura’s change of course triggered a mandatory order to close all stores the day before.

Despite the uncertainty and adversity, our units’ teams were back on August 27th to prepare the reopening! By the 28th, three of our stores were all open, while most of the other restaurants in the area were completely closed. Because our units were open, people came relieved and glad to find an establishment willing to serve and provide food in a moment where many homes didn’t have the power to cook at home.

Since our three units were the only ones open for the next three days, the customer volume was huge. Nevertheless, our great teams worked furiously to keep up with the long lines with the help of managers Deborah Cain, Dashlyn Wright, Denis Zamora, Amber Hall, and Ramona Allen, who took ownership and came out from other closed units to support those that we're fortunate to open. All came together to also deliver food out to emergency responders of the hurricane. For their great above and beyond efforts, the hard-working staff was recognized and paid extra during these busy days.

After such a difficult situation, it is encouraging to be able to eat comfort food as a family and our units were there to deliver and create a happy environment for the community. These are the kinds of situations where we show how we Emerge!

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